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The Beach Boys
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The Englefield Estate

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Haywards Farm School on the Englefield Estate is judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted

Hayward's Farm School for children with specialist needs that opened in a converted farmhouse on the Englefield Estate just 18 months ago, has been judged ‘Outstanding’ in all areas after an inspection by Ofsted.

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Bea Carson stars in new Netflix series, Too Much

As a nine-year old in love with the world of acting and movies, it’s useful when your Dad manages filming and productions at Englefield House and helps secure you a role in a new TV series being filmed at the Estate. 

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Englefield Estate’s Graduate Surveyor awarded bursary by the Central Association for Agricultural Valuers

Lolly Hamlin, who joined the Englefield Estate in June 2024 as a Graduate Rural Surveyor, has been awarded a bursary by the Central Association for Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) to attend the Oxford Farming Conference in January 2025.

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The Englefield Estate has never operated in isolation. We are acutely aware of the importance of being good neighbours and playing an active role in matters that affect the community.

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Englefield Estate — living our values

The Englefield Estate is a modern, flexible organisation but one mindful of its heritage. Estates are of course about land and buildings but most of all they are about the people who work there, live there, make their living from it or use it for their leisure. Running a successful business is important but so is protecting the environment and playing a full role in supporting the wider community. This has always been at the heart of what the Englefield Estate does and is reflected in our Mission and Vision.

Englefield Charitable Trust

For almost 50 years the Englefield Charitable Trust has supported a range of charities and good causes which include education, the arts, social welfare, health, conservation and the armed forces.

Environment & Field Sports

At Englefield, we take a long-term view and strive to combine successful business with good stewardship of the Estate’s landscape and wildlife habitats.

Estate News

Latest news from across the Estate.